Hospital to Home Care

07Jul 2022

Hospital to Home Care


As soon as you walk through the door at a hospital or rehab facility, the discharge process has already begun. It is crucial to prepare early for your transition to home to prevent a repeat hospital stay as hospital stays are getting shorter. In order to facilitate successful transitions home, Ruaa Home Healthcare L.L.C collaborates with discharge planners, nurse case managers, and physicians at the hospitals and rehab facilities. With more than 10 years of experience caring for older adults, we know that education and preparation are critical to success.

There is usually a point person (family, relative, friend) who coordinates discharge and post-hospitalization care since most patients are incapable of doing so. The process often involves several family members.

Everyone can find the actual transition home to be the most stressful part of the process. It is often most challenging to adjust to life at home during the first 48 to 72 hours. For example, sleep patterns may be dramatically off, loved ones are emotionally and physically exhausted, and getting your family member settled in safely and comfortably takes time.

Most patients who have been discharged from the hospital want to stay at home and avoid returning to the hospital again. Unfortunately, more than 30% of patients will return to the hospital within 90 days for treatment related to their initial admission. The good news is that you can have a positive impact on preventing a return to the hospital by having Ruaa Home Healthcare L.L.C Nurses at your home.

Ruaa Home Healthcare L.L.C nurses play an important role in the care of a loved one while they are in the hospital to home. They are usually on the front line of providing care for patients and are an excellent source of information about the patients’ condition, day-to-day progress, and continuity of care.

Book your nurse at home with Ruaa Home Healthcare L.L.C.